Healthy Habits for Career Moms

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142. Healthy Habits for Career Moms with Michon

142. Healthy Habits for Career Moms with Michon

Healthy Habits for Career Moms


Today we have a very special guest on a very special topic.  My friend Michon is on the podcast today! She is the VP of Finance & HR at EFORCE Software. She has an undergraduate and Master’s degree from Utah State, and has been in the accounting industry for 16 years! She’s also a mom of 3 kids.

A lot of us have hustled and hustled, and we have been raised without boundaries.  We’ve been raised in weird diet culture.  We’ve been raised in unhealthy places and in unhealthy concepts.  We are trying to heal our bodies, our minds, and our beliefs.  She’s the perfect person to share her story and help us learn about all of this!

After she married into a family of accountants, she left her pre-med/pre-dental path to get not only her undergraduate degree, but went straight on to get her Master’s!  While she was completing her Master’s degree, she worked full time at a construction company where she wore a lot of hats.  Michon says that work experience, and the exposure she gained to such a fun and diverse group of people, launched her into a career where she LOVES wearing so many hats.  She wanted a seat in a boardroom, and she loved numbers, so accounting is how she got that seat!

Michon is the primary breadwinner, and she never thought she actually would be! Her husband has an undergraduate and Master’s degree in Natural Resources and worked until Michon’s boss asked her to go full time.  They went all in on Michon’s career.  It was super scary, so many lectures, and so much mom guilt.  It wasn’t what she thought it was going to look like.  It took a lot of growth and a lot of cheering from people around her to have the courage to leave his baby.  Her husband is an AMAZING stay at home dad, but it was hard to battle that mom guilt of being away from the kids! We can all relate with that pesky mom guilt – no matter what our working mom position is!

Michon is in such a growth phase in her life right now! She’s pushing herself in her career, expanding, and I’m SO excited for her! She’s also on a big health journey!

Michon is a Type A, push-push-push, high achiever! She always has been, but she’s learned to listen to her body better and that she shouldn’t over stress or over work.  She also put a ton of pressure on herself to look a certain way.  Unfortunately, she put so much stress on looking that way that she made herself very, very sick. She’s dealth with eating disorders in high schools and college, but had never healed her relationship with food.  She went into her third pregnancy that beat her up physically and emotionally.  At the time, she thought ‘that size’ is all that mattered. Michon spent years punishing herself and her body, and has spent years trying to heal herself.  She FINALLY found a coach and a regimen that’s working for her to heal, sleep, and feel good! Keep in mind, she’s also working full time at work and being a strong career woman – wearing so many hats!

We were not taught how to take care of our bodies! We were taught diet culture, and now we are retraining ourselves! We are trying to do better for our kids. Michon was dealing with toxic people, hard problems, working too hard, lacking boundaries, and her health problems were her body’s last-ditch effort at telling her to slow down.

I’ve also been through my own health scare – not nearly as bad as Michon’s, though – of adrenal fatigue, hormone issues, loosing my mind, etc.  We are both in this healing space now! It goes against everything both Michon and I knew! But, we are re-wiring our brains and healing our bodies.

I love the quote, “Feelings buried alive never die” or “The body keeps score.” I think that’s something we’re all figuring out as hard working moms – we can have these feelings of guilt and stress, and we can push them down and act like they’re not there, but eventually they’re going to manifest in other ways. I think this is very normal in women who have careers and for women in business – really, women in general. We want success in all the many areas of our life – at home, in our business, in our relationships, etc.

I was so excited to bring Michon on to the podcast, because I think so many of us have struggled with similar things! We have hustled and hustled, and our health has suffered immensely even if it was completely unintentional.  I love that we are slowing down, holding boundaries, removing toxins, and setting ourselves up for success! This will not only have a major effect on our roles as moms, but also in our businesses.


Find Michon on Instagram HERE

Find Michon’s Heart of Healing Blog HERE


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