Change Your Vocabulary, Boss Lady

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145. Change Your Vocabulary, Boss Lady

145. Change Your Vocabulary, Boss Lady #CEOMOMCLUB

Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


In recent years, the term “mompreneur” has been widely adopted to describe mothers who have launched their own businesses. While the term is endearing and acknowledges the dual roles these women play, it somewhat undermines their professional stature. It’s high time we change our vocabulary and give these industrious women the credit they deserve: CEO and Boss.

In addition to that, I hear women with amazing businesses or even start up businesses totally brush off their profession just a little thing on the side or hobby.

The Power of Words: From Mompreneur to CEO

Words hold immense power. They can shape perceptions and impact how people view themselves and their roles. By referring to mothers who run businesses as ‘mompreneurs’, or your business as a “side hustle” or “hobby” we may inadvertently diminish our professional accomplishments.

A female CEO is a CEO. A female entrepreneur is an entrepreneur. Gender should not determine the terminology used to describe one’s professional role. My whole goal of this podcast this year is to take us all from Momprenuer or Small business owners to CEOs.

Remember, the words you choose to describe your business should accurately reflect what you do and how you do it.  They should also resonate with your target audience and help to differentiate you from your competitors.

Words You Should Use to Uplevel Your Business


Career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress. *my husband saying “my wife has a successful career…”


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Entrepreneur: This term is often used to describe someone who has started their own business. Moms can use it to show that they’re not just running a small side hustle, but a serious enterprise.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


CEO (Chief Executive Officer): Even if you’re a one-woman show, you can still be the CEO of your own business. This title conveys authority and leadership.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Founder: This word emphasizes that you didn’t just join a business – you created it. It emphasizes your initiative and creativity.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Business Owner: This term is straightforward and clear, showing that you have complete control over your business.

Independent Consultant: If you provide professional advice or services, this title can showcase your expertise.

Freelancer: If you offer your skills on a project-by-project basis, this term can describe your work style.

E-commerce Specialist: If your business operates online, this term can highlight your digital savvy.

Strategist: If your business involves a lot of planning and strategic thinking, this term can help convey that.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Professional: This term can be used to emphasize the high level of skill and dedication you bring to your business.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Innovator: If your business is breaking new ground or doing things in a new way, this term can highlight that aspect.

Sole Proprietor: This term emphasizes that you’re the only owner of your business and responsible for all its aspects.

Visionary: If your business was started based on a unique idea or vision, this term can emphasize your innovative thinking.

Expert: This term can be used to highlight your high level of knowledge and skill in your industry.

Specialist: Similar to ‘expert’, this term underscores your specific expertise in a particular area.

Influencer: If you have a strong social media presence and use it to promote your business, this term can describe your role.

Content Creator: If you create and share content as part of your business, such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts, this term can describe your work.

Digital Marketer: If you use digital platforms to promote your business, this term can highlight your marketing savvy.

Brand Ambassador: If you represent and promote your own brand, this term can help convey that.

Sales Strategist: If your business involves selling products or services, this term can emphasize your strategic approach to sales.

Project Manager: If your business involves managing multiple projects at once, this term can demonstrate your organizational skills and ability to handle complex tasks.


Thriving: Flourishing and growing vigorously.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Prosperous: Having success, particularly monetary success.

Booming: Experiencing a period of vigorous growth or prosperity.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Lucrative: Producing a great deal of profit.

Profitable: Yielding profit or financial gain.

Rewarding: Providing satisfaction; gratifying.


Change Your Vocabulary Boss Lady


Tune in to the podcast to learn about the 8 words I use to uplevel my own business!


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