The Blog

66. Where are the Miracles?

The morning we were set to get on a plane to spend Thanksgiving in Washington with my family, my little boy Ro came down with breathing problems again leading us to cancel our trip.

Where are the Miracles?

I was devastated! This would be the second year in a row I had to cancel my Washington Thanksgiving trip and I couldn’t believe my little boy was in the hospital again. (If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know that little Ro has had us in the ER so much this fall).

But I knew I had to make a mindset shift and get out of my pitty-party mood. I just feel like so many of my friends, not just me, have been going through really really HARD things lately! So much is going on in our lives and sometimes it doesn’t seem like it will ever let up.

We can only change how we react to these hard things, right?

We can’t change our circumstances. Even when we want to. I’ve been trying to remember to look for the miracles in my hard situations. Its better than of focusing on all the things going wrong.

When Ro was in the hospital, I tried to think what good came out of the situation. How can you find the miracles in your situation? Give this short episode a listen and let me know in the comments below!

Where are the Miracles?


I believe God is in the details. And the miracles are always there:

Listen to the full episode here:

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