The Blog

26. How to Grow Organically on Instagram

How to Grow Organically On Instagram

Think of an Instagram account you’ve been following for at least six months…

Why do you follow? Or better question… Why haven’t you hit the “unfollow” button? Probably because you feel connected in some way.

I see a lot of Instagram accounts that are only reaching surface level because they are lacking value. They are not posting valuable content. They are not giving me a valuable connection and I do not feel valued as a follower.

You will never grow your Instagram if the only thing you are posting is about sales, sales, sales. Or if you are following random people to get them to follow you back, you’re doing it wrong..

How to Grow Organically On Instagram

I do not get why the paragraph of hashtags at the end of each post, all the ads and the follow-unfollow game is so popular right now! Why do we think that will grow our Instagram? It is SO impersonal and looks SO BAD.

You might be reading this and find yourself guilty of using any of those methods to try to attract new followers, that’s okay. I promise there’s a better way!

Let me teach you how to Grow your Instagram Organically!

How to Grow Organically On Instagram


1. Be consistent and show up daily 

Don’t be patchy with posting. It’s the easiest thing you can do to show up daily on Instagram. If you’re posting online nine times in a year, you’re not growing. Showing up daily makes you personal. Do stories every single day, stories will bring engagement.


2. Focus on who is following you, not who is not following you

You will attract clients who are willing to pay, who will turn into loyal clients who stick around because your content resonates with them. Get to know your followers and offer them value. Focus on the people that follow you first, invest in them and the return will come back.


3. Be authentic and use original content

Reposting same photos or Pinterest graphics is unoriginal and doesn’t make you stand apart. Be authentic. Take quotes and turn them into graphics that match your brand. The more we are authentic, the more we can connect with people.

4. Encourage clients to share

Sometimes people are shy and need encouragement. Give them some help! Ask people to tag and post your products, and then repost it. Give them bonuses for posting. People love shout-outs.


5. Post about your clients

Clients get really excited about sneak peeks of their projects. Gush about your clients, make it easy for them to share, tag them in posts and they will be more willing to share that.


6. Provide value when we post

What will make you follow something that is just ads and sales, do you want to watch a TV show or the commercials? We want a compelling story, we want to feel and think when we come to your account. Provide people a reason to follow you, that will learn as they follow you. We want to watch the TV show!


7. Better your skill

Innovate and add new products, offer new things. If you want to grow, you can evolve and add new things to your business.


8. Use quality pictures and captions

It’s not hard to edit photos in the Lightroom app. You can change exposure and contrast to give them the same feel. Use high quality so that people are attracted to your page. This goes with captions as well. Better quality is better engagement.


9. Encourage engagement

We don’t just want people to scroll by, add call-to-actions for people to answer questions. Use polls, the QA box to engage and encourage people to save your posts.


10. Collaborate with other brands our businesses

This an be simple, like with a friend. It doesn’t have to be an influencer. Giveaways are great when done right. We can grow from each other’s followings and add value to our followers.


A word of caution: Do not post about sales often.

The more sales posts you have, the less sales you will have. Do not use other graphics you find online. Do not Worry about your followers, they will come as you are being consistent, authentic and original.

And remember my Four E’s of Instagram: Entertain, Educate, Encourage, Engage.


How to Grow Organically On Instagram


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